Alpha Studio

Namastè, it's a wonderful world Yoga!

What’s Yoga?

In approaching the matter, one cannot ignore giving Yoga a definition that is as effective as possible, the same word comes to the rescue in this sense. Yoga means union. And here is the fulcrum of a philosophy, and above all a millenary discipline. We have now understood that the human being, in particular, is the result of various components that are not only of a material nature, just like the body and everything that concerns it, from a physical point of view, it also concerns us you see: the mind and the spirit. These three components must be in balance and harmony for a long and happy life. Yoga has this purpose and it  is the tool that harmonizes these three dimensions. Not only Yoga, as a millenary wisdom,   this goal and function, also has QiGong, it imprints the entire vast repertoire of knowledge on the harmonization of what it is defined as Yin and Yang.By deepening the two disciplines, there are many points of contact and this only confirms the thesis according to which movement, combined with conscious breathing and meditation, have beneficial effects on human existence. It is not at all surprising that these disciplines have become part of the lives of the little ones. Indeed, it is essential that children practice these sound principles from an early age in order to better intensify their beneficial effects in their lives. Yoga is often understood as physical exercise and becomes part of a person’s life for this reason, over time and with practice we learn that it is much more.

Yoga for children is not a simple translation of yoga for adults but has a structure specifically designed for them. The fact that it is associated with playful activities and creative moments already tells the natural dimension within which it is transferred to the little ones. It is no coincidence that QiGong has been included in this piece, this is because there are various techniques that come together in a Yoga lesson for children. Moving meditation, as an energy flow, is just one example. It is important to list the real benefits that the child obtains by practicing Yoga and the disciplines connected to it. Acquisition of correct posture, the ability to recognize and know how to manage emotions, stress, anxiety and anger, raise self-esteem; it serves to improve memory, concentration, resilience capacity, in this sense it promotes awareness and knowledge of oneself and one’s body. In a Yoga classroom there is no perfection of form but the form that is best for everyone, in their individuality, there is no competition, nor judgement, but welcome and mutual help and sharing. In this sense Yoga improves relationships. This wonderful discipline re-establishes listening to one’s body and the surrounding environment, bringing life back to natural rhythms, those that children have lost in a frenetic hyper-technological society and with an excess of information that is not always truthful. Teach them to do things for the pleasure of doing them, therefore without ulterior motives (please someone, get prizes, win something). The world that is created with a Yoga class and enclosed in the greeting that begins and ends with a bow of respect and gratitude: Namastè!

We take this opportunity to underline that what is written does not go beyond a medical or psychological consultation, nor does it justify any suspension of the therapy in progress. The site does not offer itself in any waydi dare terapie.

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