Alpha Studio


Botane & surroundings

Botane & Surroundings was born as a blog whose contents travel to the world of flora and nature as a whole, as well as its name, Botane (Greek name for plant), suggests. In it, therefore, you will find articles that concern the magnificent world of plants, fruits and flowers but above all the therapeutic properties that they preserve and bestow, as well as the magic of spices, essential oils, etc. Everything that fits with the concept of natural medicine and alternative therapy will be the subject of narration and information. In this space you will find anecdotes related to the world of "stars" and elements. We will focus on the holistic world with all its facets. Here you will find curiosities and news related to events that I will organize, as well as some free content related to meditation and others. In short, do not miss any number and, if you want, you can acquire an article by making a donation, you will receive a plastic card of the article you want.
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